Monday, March 22, 2010

AntiVirus Removal 2009

A collection of uninstall antivius tools that do a complete &cleanuninstall even for those antivirus that u can remove it from your windows!

Norton all products
Kaspersky AV all antivirus versions
Avast all products
Avg all versions
BitDefender all versions

including a direct links for antivirus webpage &another links for download the offline setup update.

AlsoInclude athe best clean tools used to clean the your windows fromunusedfiles, errors files, quick access,clean registry & fix it.

AutoRuns: : auto-starting locations of any startup monitor
Hijack this: : In depth tool for scanning your computer for Spyware.
RootkitRevealer : an advanced root kit detection utility.
Registry batch fix: batche's for fix registry
Unlocker: : Unlocker is the solution to of Windows error messages
Cannot delete folder, file.......
Defraggler : Quick defragmentation tool
Tweak UI : gives you access to system settings that are not exposed
in the Windows XP default user interface

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