Saturday, December 27, 2008

Firefox Optimizer + Firetune 1.2

Firefox Ultimate Optimizer + Firetune 1.2 |6 MB

Would you use a program that would reduce the memory usage of Firefox to 100-200 Kilobyte ? ,Can you turn Firefox into a low burden on system resources?
Can you reduces the browser's craving for memory and CPU? ,These is The Must Have Tool For ANY Firefox User! Make Firefox much faster. Try it and see for yourself!

Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Firefox Ultimate Optimizer is a small tool that will dramatically reduce Firefox usage and therefore make your system faster and more stable. It doesn't require installation and stays unobtrusively in your system tray.
Firetune 1.2
Firetune is a program for optimising and tweaking Mozilla Firefox for your computer and internet connection.This process is as easy as selecting whether your computer and connection are fast or slow and Firetune does the rest.
Firetune recommens that you make a backup of your Firefox settings before making any other changes and it can do this for you. It can also restore a backup if you decide that the changes do not work for you. With the ability to roll back its changes and the fact that it is free, any self respecting Firefox user should give this a go.

Support for Firefox 1, 2, 3

Powered by Qumana

Friday, December 26, 2008

Time Stopper

Time Stopper is the software which can stop the time for trial version software!! Why do I stop the time? When you stop the time you can use your trial versions forever.
Will it be harmful my system? No. When you stop the time of a trial version using this Time Stopper it works via this Time Stopper. Real time & date run normally on your system.
How many trial versions can I use same time? You can use any number of trial version software!!!

Powered by Qumana

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Unlocker 1.8.7 [U Must Have]

Ever Had such annoying messege given by windows ?

Cannot delete file: Access is denied
There has been a sharing violation.
The source or destination file may be in use.
The file is in use by another program or user.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

Unlocker is the solution using a simple right click on the folder or file.

Comparison chart included so you can compare Unlocker against other similar applications.
Unlocker beats the competition hands down!

Powered by Qumana

Friday, December 19, 2008

BIOS Error Detect

If you have error about your bios or anything about motherboard you can check with error code

Powered by Qumana

Monday, December 15, 2008

Microsoft Office 2007 Genuine Crack

1-Go to
2-Click "Validate Office" on the right side.
3-If it requests, install the ActiveX control.
4-It should report back that the license key you used for Office is invalid and you didn't pass activation.
5-Close Internet Explorer (important)
6-Run install.bat in this directory. If it says "1 File(s) Copied",if not("0 File(s) Copied"), reboot and run install.bat again.
7-If you are really having trouble, you can go into the Windows\System32 directory, rename OGACheckControl.dll to OGACheckControl.OLD, and copy OGACheckControl.dll from this directory to the system32 directory.
8-Re-open Internet Explorer and go back to
9-Once again, click on "Validate Office" and this time you will be good to go.
10-This crack will also work to download templates from within office programs.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Driver Genius Pro

Dengan Driver Genius Pro Anda dapat Backup, Update, Maintenance Diver. karena driver hal yg sangat penting apalagi kalau susah dicari + cd hilang rusak

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cfos, Internet more Faster

Lambat, Lelet, internet Ngremet gunakan cfos aja

nb: lebih ngeffek + Pcboost

Pc Boost, Make Faster Your Pc

PcBoost is a program which allows you to run programs much faster then the original programmer intended. With little to no effort you can easily make programs & games run faster on your computer without having to purchase a new PC. Many programs and games often use a minimal amount of CPU power which often leads to the CPU being idle and really not much use at all. PcBoost takes advantage of this by allocating more CPU power to the currently active program/game. All of this is done automatically without having you to lift one finger. PcBoost is a great affordable alternative to purchasing a new computer and can in no way harm or destroy a computer, while providing equivalent power that a faster processor would.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

TV Online

Mau nonton tv online, tapi sayang kecepatan harus min 1 mega

Super Ulitily 8.9 + Crack

Super utility digunakan untuk membantu protect, tweak, optimasi dan mengamankan pc dengan 27 tools

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

By pass Proxy

Bila anda dikantor, kampus, kafe, dll mengalami kesulitan buka web dikarenakan diblock gunakan ini

Jagan Buang Kertas Bungkus

daripada ngalamun lebih baik jadikan kertasnya pesawat dengan berbagai model

Addon Firefox

Koleksi Addon Firefox tools

Guide Overclock

Hardware edisien untuk overclock

master registery Winxp

WEP Cracking Guide

Cara Jebol Password Hotspot

craking Speedy

Craking speedy tutorial

Driver Modem Smart Haier D1200P

Karena saat ini smart lagi promo internet 289 ribu maka kami sediakan driver terbaru

untuk win xp

untuk win vista

Sunday, December 7, 2008

USB lock

karena flashdisk sekarang lagi trend maka banyak orang menggunakannya, disisilain flashdisk juga media penyebaran virus yang ampuh maka kita perlu control untuk falsdik

CutePDF Print Jadi PDF

Buat teman teman yang skripsi biasanya diminta membuat skripsinya dibuat hardcopy ama softcopy

kadang membuat hardcopy aja susah apalagi softcopy namun dengan Cutepdf semua jadi mudah ngak usah keluar biaya membengkah tinggal download

Bluescreen of Death

kadang kita sering ngalamin Bod rasanya sih sebel, ngak tau mau kita apakan bila terjadi bod paling paling install ulang namun sekarang kita bisa memakai kamus bod ini

Pengemat Bahan bakar

Trims to pak djoko yg telah bereksperiment saya hanya dapat ber bagi ilmunya

FS Cracking Privat Photo

anda pingin liat photo seseorang di FS tapi tidak pingin ketahuan pake aja tools ini